Search Results for "squawk"


Octavia part one - AUDIO

Octavia part one
Price: 5.00

I'm six feet tall in my bare feet, and two hundred pounds of hard muscle; I can bench three times my weight. And I don't hide my light under a bushel. Everything is on display, and a lot of guys like that. My impressive body drives men crazy, and crazy men do crazy things. And I encourage the crazy. My hobby is to find men who are nutty as fruitcake, or if they aren't, I push them that way. And when they're one squawk short of a cuckoo, I take a trophy and dump them. Would you like to hear about some of the absurd things I've done; or rather, the crazy things that men do with a bit of encouragement from a woman with massive muscles?

six feet tall bare feet two hundred pounds hard muscle bench weight display guys body drives crazy encourage hobby nutty fruitcake squawk cuckoo trophy dump absurd men encouragement woman massive muscles.

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